Wednesday, October 5, 2016

1 in 2300

       My school in Cape Coast is called Aggrey Memorial, it has about 2,300 kids and almost all of them board there.  My first day there was Thursday the 22nd.  But on the 20th I went to Aggrey with my contact person Mr.Forson, we went there to get my uniform which turns out is over ten outfits.  My school uniform that I wear on normal days is a purple dress with a yellow collar, I got two of these plus purple belts for each.  I also got two Friday dresses (which are much more comfortable) plus the two belts, I got two more dresses for special occasions these too have belts.  Then there are two shirt and skirt combos that I'm not sure what they are for.  Also given to me was gym cloths, I have very pink jerseys for gym class then another jersey that is white with red outlinings which is for my house at the school, Luccil.
       I was told next to nothing before heading to school the first day, all I knew was the outfit I was supposed to wear.  I woke up at 6am because Mr.Forson had told me that the school started at 7:30.  My mom drove me to school for the first day and I arrived at 7:05.  I did not even know what classes I was taking or where any of the buildings that I needed were.  I knew one thing, where Mr.Forson's house was (he lives on campus with his wife, because he is a teacher at Aggrey).  So I headed to his place, when I arrived the gate was closed, I had no idea what to do. Some boys who go to Aggrey just walked in the gate though, I'm not sure what they were doing because they immediately left.  After they left I went in through the gate, I could hear voices inside the house but I just stood there until I got enough courage to say loudly "hello."  I heard Mr.Forson tell me to come in, he and his wife were doing morning prayers so I awkwardly sat on the couch until they were done.  When they had finished prayers he told me that he needed to get ready then we would go to the school.  By then it was 7:20 and I was worried that I would be late to my first day of school.  Well like I had dreaded he was not ready to go until 7:45.  We walked to the class buildings there are three ( I think, there could be more that I don't know about).  We stood outside the administrative building, he was just talking to other teachers, and I was confused on when and where I would be going to class.  Mr.Forson stopped 2 girls to explain to me what classes I could take.  The thing about classes in ghana is that you choose a course and then you take all the same classes as the other kids in your class, the teachers move around instead of the students.  So in the end I decided on a general arts course call 2 Art 4.  2 because it is a form 2 class arts because it is general arts and 4 because each course has many variations.  
       I was showed to class where a very kind girl helped me get through my first day, now I sit next to her everyday and she helps me a lot.  These are my classes:core math, economics, Cristian religious studies, government, geography, social studies, PE, biology, english, information communication and technology, agriculture, physics, and chemistry.  Also I learned after the first day is that school assembly starts at 6:20am and school actually starts at 7am not 7:30, which means I get up at 5 or 5:30 every morning.  School has two breaks one after first hour that is 20 min for boarders to eat breakfast then a second break later in the day for lunch and that on is 30 min, school gets out at 3:20 so that is sitting at very uncomfortable desks for 8 hours a day, which is really hard for me, also I have not received any of my text books for my classes.  Thankfully Mr. Forson works at the school because without him I'd be so lost.



  1. Keep up with the positive attitude! It is obviously a very different school system and style from what you have expierenced. I am waiting to hear all about soccer and other extra curricular fun activities.

  2. yess, I want to hear about any trips to the beach
    as well as extra curricular activities, art and sports.
    I hope the kids at school learn how great you are:)

    and hope that your patience pays off, I am sure things will get clearer soon.
    Aunt Paula

  3. That kind girl who first approached you won't ever be forgotten, will she? Such a small gesture can make such a huge impact for someone. I am thankful she is there with you at school. The courses are very different as compared to the US/AK. Just remember the biggest most meaningful learning will never show up on a transcript anyway.
