Sunday, September 25, 2016

My African family

On Thursday the 15th I met my host family, the people who will be my world for the next 10 months.  I was dropped of at my mothers work in Cape Coast, she is a manager of a laundry cleaner place.  I was so overwhelmed with meeting my mom that I completely forgot to give the other exchange students hugs good bye, sorry guys, I did wave good bye though.  My mom welcomed me with a hug and immediately explained to me that I was her daughter and would be loved as much as her biological daughters, the only difference would be that I am white.  
       We went to the bank togather and while she was inside one of her workers who had come with got me a coconut, which was amazingly refreshing in the heat.  We then went to an office place were we went in and my mom talked, after we left she told me that she had told the men at the office to not ask me to marry them because it was my first day and she did not want me to feel overwhelmed.  
       Then we went to my host sisters school were my dad was doing paper work because my sister Grace is applying for the YES abroad program to the USA.  When my dad saw me he walked towards me with open arms and and big smile until he gave me a big hug, saying "My daughter, my daughter, she is finally home."  We were just picking my dad up and I could not talk to Grace because at her boarding school which is all girls you can not talk to her unless it is visiting hours, I was not even allowed to wave to her when I saw her, but she did give me a huge smile.  
       Finally we went home, mom parked the car at a gas station by the road where many small shops are lined up.  To get to our house you have to walk around a small cement wall over a creek of sewage and up a hill about 150 yards.  The house is in two parts, one half is just a skeleton that they are working on finishing to have guests stay in.  The house we live in is one storie tall, you come in to the living room/dining room which has a table and chairs, there is no furniture but that is fine.  There is the kitchen which had all sorts of exotic food in it.  There are three bedrooms one my parents and little sister stay in.  My moms little brother who is going to college in Cape Coast stays in the room right next to mine.  My room is small but nice, there is fan and light.  There is a bed with a bug net over it, a closet with cloths hangers, and a table and chair.  There is a bathroom and shower room right outside my room, though so far the water had not worked so it's been bucket showers and pouring water down the toilet to make it flush.  
         Once I put some of my stuff out in my room, I took a nap to which I woke up to my little sister giving me a big hug and talking my ear off, her name is Gladis.  Later that night  I met my host uncle who usually does not get home until 9 because he had to work.  He is very nice, he stays with his sister (my host mom) while he goes to college.  I don't know when I will really meet Grace but I can't wait.  I really like my family and I think they will make this year an exceptional experience.


  1. A thousand blessings to your family and the warm, joyous and loving welcome they gave you.

  2. Yay! They sound lovely! Keep having a great time and posting updates and pictures!

  3. Avery, I really enjoy reading your portrayal of your amazing adventures. It certainly sound like you fit in well with your new family. I am glad you already find them to your liking. I will be anxious to read your further rendition, particularly how you fit into the different school, and your comparison to the AK system.

    Much love, Grandpa

  4. Avery

    As I sit here watching the presidential debates, it is refreshing to hear positive observations about our world and especially your place in it. Keep it up.

    Love uncle Bill.

  5. Avery,
    It's so exciting to hear about your experiences. I just found your blog and had some catching up to do. My heart is still in my throat imagining you embracing all this newness and difference with such composure and openness. I'm so proud of you and excited for all the adventures to come.

  6. Wow, Avery. What an amazing place and first greeting. We are sending you tons of love and excitement and can't wait to hear about all of your adventures to come
